Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Black Skimmer recovery project

From: Thomas Panzone
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 2010 16:20:07 -0500
Subject: Black Skimmer Recovery Plan Stakeholder Meeting February 24th

Dear Colleagues:


Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger) Recovery Plan: Stakeholder Meeting

February 24th, 2010
2 – 4 PM
Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge
Cross Bay Blvd, Queens, NY

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is pleased to announce a stakeholder meeting for the Black Skimmer Recovery Plan being held at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge on February 24th, 2010 from 2 – 4 PM.

This meeting will inform concerned stakeholders of the ecological status of black skimmer in New York State and the process for developing the recovery plan. Local and expert stakeholders on black skimmer ecology will be encouraged to additionally participate on the Black Skimmer Recovery Team. The Recovery Team will provide input and guidance for establishing recovery goals, restoration methods, and monitoring protocols during the development of the recovery plan.

There is no cost to attend but participants are asked to register by contacting either Jason Smith (jysmith@gw.dec.state.ny.us 718-482-4919) or Citizen Participation Specialist, Thomas Panzone (tvpanzon@gw.dec.state.ny.us 718-482-4958).

A list of the most important questions and issues to be addressed and answered during the development of the recovery plan will be sent to registered participants. These issues will include regulatory concerns, threats to the species, restoration and creation of beach habitat, and the potential impacts to existing habitat due to climate change. Opportunity for discussion and comments will be provided to stakeholders in attendance.

An agenda is currently being developed and will be circulated prior to the meeting date.

Please feel free to circulate this announcement to any interested staff or colleagues. Thank you and I hope to see you there.


Thomas V. Panzone
Citizen Participation Specialist
Division of Public Affairs and Education
NYSDEC - Region 2
(718) 482-4958