Here are some links to the nature of the disastrous oil spill and updates for your information:
From Defenders of Wildlife
Please help get the word out about an online resource regarding wildlife impacts from the Gulf Oil Spill by forwarding this message to your members, relevant listservs, etc. Thanks.
Please visit Defenders of Wildlife's Gulf Oil Spill Response and Recovery web site ( to help advance effective responses to save wildlife and keep track of recovery efforts, needs and long term impacts of the spill.
This visual mapping tool allows responders, volunteers and eye witnesses to map and share information on impacts from the gulf oil spill and projects being done to promote recovery. It also provides a way for the general public to understand the environmental affects of the disaster and what is being done to protect wildlife and coastal habitats.
Anyone can search the map for impacts and projects by activity type, species and habitats and view impacts and projects in relation to sea turtle nesting sites, manatee locations, coastal federal lands and other relevant map layers. Users can access the latest news on the spill and recovery efforts.
To report an impact or enter a project, a user must create an account through a simple one step sign-up which requires a name and email address. Users can report sea turtle strandings, boom placements, impacts to birds, wildlife rehabilitation efforts, and other oil spill related impacts and projects. Logged in users can also share photos and highlight volunteer and funding needs.
To help facilitate recovery efforts, anyone visiting the site will be able to easily access information on what projects need volunteers and which need funding.
The Gulf Oil Spill Response and Recovery web site is part of the Conservation Registry, another project initiated by Defenders of Wildlife with the help of many federal, state and local agencies, foundations and non-profit organizations. The Conservation Registry is an easily accessible database and mapping system that allows users to enter, search, map and track conservation and wildlife projects across the landscape. You can access it here:
NYS Audubon News Alert
Dear Peter,
We are in the home stretch of the 2010 legislative session here in Albany, and the Legislature is only a few hours away from voting on a critical measure to combat suburban sprawl! We need your help NOW to ensure it passes!
Audubon has long been a leading organization working to promote Smart Growth in New York State, and now we’re poised to realize significant progress with passage of the Smart Growth Infrastructure Policy Act!
What is Smart Growth? It means ensuring that planning and land use decisions focus development in downtowns, main streets and community areas with existing infrastructure, helping to eliminate suburban sprawl and save open space and habitat for birds and other wildlife. This bill would promote Smart Growth by ensuring State Agency infrastructure funding decisions follow Smart Growth principles and target funding to already developed areas and not green spaces.
Habitat loss fueled by sprawl development continues to be a leading threat to birds and other wildlife in New York. The American Kestrel, North Americas smallest falcon, is an example of a bird under threat by sprawl, as it's open grassland habitat is quickly being taken away by development. While we are working with Audubon chapters and Centers and the NYS Dept. of Transportation to establish more nest locations for Kestrels, without measures to combat suburban sprawl, birds like the Kestrel face an uncertain future.
You can help us take a big step forward for Smart Growth by sending a letter urging your elected officials to pass the Smart Growth Infrastructure Policy Act today!
Please send a letter today, as the Legislative session is quickly coming to an end!
Photo: Tim Baker
Audubon New York
200 Trillium Lane, Albany, New York 12203
(518) 869-9731
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